Thuis + Scholen + KinderZiekenhuizen
Sociaal Emotioneel Leren (SEL) is van crucial belang
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SEL Lesson plans
We have designed four lesson plans, each lesson plan is intended as a toolbox for the teacher. In this package, you will find inspiration for working methods to fill the lesson on the one hand. On the other hand, there are concrete assignments that you can use to put students to work. Because the toolbox is richly filled, you have the freedom to take out those elements that suit your teaching style.
These lesson plans are designed to make SEL as fun as possible in class or at home. We are committed to helping educators and parents find the inspiration and resources they are looking for.
We would like to support you with the process whereby:
Children and adults develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills to understand and deal with emotions.
Set and achieve positive goals.
Feeling and showing empathy for others.
Build and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions.
Developing these core competencies is critical to a child's development as it is directly related to social, personal, academic and professional skills in later life.